Terms & Conditions


    By using the VCC carpark and it's facility, you agree to comply with all applicable New Zealand laws and to be bound by the following terms & conditions. These terms & condition are in addition to, and subject to, any terms & conditions relating to use of VCC property. These terms & conditions apply 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

    • "claim" includes any claim for damage, loss or compensation; and any demand, remedy, liability or action.
    • "damage" includes direct, indirect, consequential and special damage.
    • "vehicle" includes its accessories and contents.
    • "VCC" means Victory Convention Centre and includes any of its employees, representatives, and independent contractors.
    • "you" includes both the driver and the owner of a vehicle entering this car park.
    • "your vehicle" means the vehicle which you are driving, regardless of whether it is owned by you.
    • All prices and rates are in NZD (New Zealand Dollars).

    Your details will not be used for any other purposes except to execute payment for car park usage and or administrative purposes. Your details will not be shared with any other party unless it is demanded from a law enforcement agency.

    You agree to indemnify VCC in respect of any claim made against VCC arising from either your use of the car park or the use of the car park by anyone else with your authority.

    While VCC shall take all reasonable care VCC cannot guarantee the security of your vehicle. VCC accepts no liability for any claim by you or any other person whether for any loss or damage to you or any other person, to your vehicle or any other vehicle, whether resulting from using the car park or being unable to use the car park, or from VCC's negligence or otherwise.

    You are liable for any damage to the car park caused by your vehicle, including damage caused by oil or other substances. VCC accepts no liability for any loss or damage to any article left in VCC's custody or control. VCC's employees are not permitted to accept any of your possessions for safe custody except the keys to your vehicle where possession is taken at VCC's request.

    Your ecommerce account access will be your sole responsibility to protect. Your password will need to be secured and not easy for anyone to guess. Once a payment has been made, it cannot be cancelled.
  • The terms & conditions are subject to change without notice. You will be bound by these changes. Please visit this page from time to time to review the current terms & conditions.

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